Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thinking Outside the Box

Create a post for your blog entitled "Thinking Outside the Box" in which you compare how Plato and Sartre describe the limitations of our thinking and imply solutions to the problem. Be sure to analyze their literary techniques, especially their use of allegory and extended metaphor.
Both Plato and Sartre describe the limitations of our thinking through "Allegory of Cave" and "No Exit." They both send a message of restriction through an extended metaphor. In "Allegory of Cave" the prisoners are locked up in the dark cold cave. They only see the shadows on the wall. Their thinking is limited in there, they just stay in the cave becasue they just want to stick with the reality they have. And in "No Exit", Estella, and Inez are extremely flawed individuals stuck in Hell. All they see in there is all they think.

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